What’s in my college bag?

Hi everyone! I commute everyday to my college. It takes me an hour to get here and another one to go back. Needless to say I need a lot of things to get through the day but also I can’t be carrying a suitcase around. When I started college I saw those gorgeous girls walking gracefully around with beautiful handbags. My first thought was: I want to look like that. Unfortunately I soon realized that a handbag was not going to work for me and my poor arm. So I bought this really nice backpack! 
I particularly love the color because it fits to every season perfectly! Unfortunately the particular color is not longer available but you can see the color selection Here.

Here’s what’s in my bag!

  • My notebook. Since I don’t take a crazy amount of notes I chose to get one notebook for all three of my classes to avoid the extra weight. I particularly like sewn notebooks instead of spirals since I am left handed.
  • My textbook. For most classes we thankfully have e-books so I don’t carry much weight but for this particular class it wasn’t available.
  • My agenda. I truly need it to keep all those horrific deadlines organized.

  • My pencil case

  • My “girl” bag.
  • A hairbrush

  • My wallet

  • My sunglasses.
  • And last but not least my contact lens solution. It sounds insane but I never leave the house without my contacts solution. If you wear lenses you probably know that they have a mind of their own and that they smell fear. So the solution is the only way to fix an accident without damaging your eyes.

What is the most important thing in your college/university/school bag? Let me know in the comments below!

Want to chat? Follow me on Instagram!

College survival guide!

I recently started college, this being my second semester. My first few weeks I kept thinking how great it was that I had friends there who let me in on all the secrets and made my time so much easier. Consequently, this post is for all of you that don’t have friends in college or you’re just afraid to ask for advice.

  • Socialize

Your first days you might feel like sitting in a corner not making eye contact with anyone. Don’t. Say hi. You are in the same school you do have things in common. It’s way easier to start a conversation!

  • Keep contacts

Getting a name isn’t enough. Facebook,twitter,phone,mail etc. Always ask for contact information. When you’ll miss class and are in desperate need of notes you’ll be greatfull you kept their numbers.

  • Utilize your agenda 

Whether it’s digital or not use your agenda for everything. Homework, meetings, parties. In college a ton of things are going on. You don’t want to miss out because you simply forgot.

  • Love your teachers

Ask questions,participate, go to their office. Even if you don’t actually need help. This interaction will help them remember you and make them more keen to give you a good grade.

  • Be yourself 

As opposed to school college has more diversity. Ages, nationalities, beliefs. There are so many different people in college. This means that diversity is also more easily accepted. So if you wanted to do something but were afraid of judgement college is a great place to do it.

So that’s it for now. Let’s help each other out!Do you have any advice you could give me about surviving college? Let me know in the comments below.

Time to spread your wings

So tomorrow I leave my home behind. I have to leave my doggo behind, my room, my family and friends, my country, but most of all, I have to leave my comfort and safe place behind. Starting tomorrow I embark on a whole new chapter and journey of my life where I’ll be off to a whole different place where I’ll be starting college.

I am feeling all kinds of emotions right now. Sad, excited, happy, overwhelmed, chaotic (the state my room’s currently in and also my mind)… but this time I definitely don’t have a feeling of uncertainty. I do know that when I arrive I will be feeling way out of my place and scared, but that is part of the challenge. That’s the whole thing of going on with your life after school, after living under your parents roof for many years and also having them there to help you with whatever and whenever.

In the midst of all the packing and getting everything ready before I leave, I knew that I had to write this post and just share with you how I am feeling. Maybe there’s some of you who reads this that might be going through the same thing right now.

Monday morning when I woke up, I felt this extreme nervous feeling in my stomach and everything starting feeling like it’s a reality. I think what I am most nervous about currently is being on my own. My family and home will be thousands of kilometers away from me, in a different country. I have to meet new people and make new friends and do new things. And I am excited for that, but I also feel very nervous, because most of the things around me will be “unknown”.

Maybe I am feeling stressed about things that I shouldn’t have to be worried about, maybe my biggest stress will end up being the amount of work I’ll have, cause I probably will be very busy. So I am going to apologize in advance if you guys might not see a blog post from me for the first few weeks.

Like I said in my previous post about my blogging goals for this year, I do want to post more regularly and consistently, but I am also aware that I will be very busy, that’s why my planning will have to be spot on. I know that the first month or so of college will probably be all over the place, so until I have settled and gotten more organized, I will get back into the blogging game.

Oh and I will also be able to post more beauty related things this year, because I will have more access to beauty items and all that jazz. I am after all going to learn to become a master at makeup and to turn people into zombies, fairies – whatever they desire haha

I can’t believe today is my last day here in my comfy, cozy home. I am writing this, sitting in my room that looks like a hurricane has hit it, with my sweet doggo laying beside me – I am going to miss her so much.

But, it is time for me to step out of my comfort zone and spread my wings and learn to fly on my own.


Thanks for taking the time to read – hope you liked it!


Blissful Boho


The Importance of Practicing Self-Care in College

Hello, beautiful readers!

College can be both exciting and sstressful. Practicing self-care is one way to reduce stress and maintain a high quality of life. It is easy to neglect taking care of yourself when your schedule is jam-packed with activity. Self-care is one method to help you relax, unwind and de-stress.

1. Self-care prevents overload ‘burnout’

We’ve all been there – you push yourself to the point where you can no longer function effectively. I am guilty of this. With assignments, course reading, and other responsibilities I often find myself burning out and crashing. Practicing self-care helps you maintain a balance to avoid reaching that point.

2. Self-care reduces the negative effects of stress 

Stress is effective, to a degree. If you remain under high stress for a long period of time, it breaks down both your mind and body. By taking care of yourself, you keep the stress at a manageable level where it does not consume you.

3. Self-care enhances your overall wellbeing 

Self-care addresses many aspects of your health and wellbeing, including: Physical/psychological health, fostering meaningful relationships, managing stress. Self-care is not just crucial for your body and mind.

To conclude this post, I’m sharing some simple methods of self-care that I use daily, and you can too:

  • Exercise
  • Indulge in your favourite movie or television show
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Unplug from your electronics


How do you practice self-care? 

3 Tips to Manage Your Life as a Student 

Hello, beautiful readers!

As a student, we juggle a lot. We manage classes, homework, socializing, employment and more. I often ask myself: How can I better manage my life? I use the methods below to help manage my life. 

1. Use a Planner

I began using a planner faithfully this year. I’d be lost without it. I use this paper planner daily. It is a staple for many students like me. 

A planner is a valuable tool to schedule everything important in your life. Information I include in my planner:

  • Due dates for assignments/tests
  • Birthdays of family and friends
  • Medical appointments 
  • Bill payment reminders

2. Make time for the people and things you love

I incorporate this into my self-care routine. You’ll be happier (and healthier!) when you devote time and energy into tasks you enjoy. Find 1-2 things you love doing + 1-2 people to make a top priority. This helps you focus your time and energy.

3. Outline, outline, outline

The biggest organization tool I use is the Monthly View in my planner. When each semester begins, I go through my class syllabus and record due dates. I outline my semester to give myself a broad view of tasks to accomplish each month. 

How do you manage your life as a student? 

A College Student’s Guide To Good Grades

Hello amazing readers!

My name is Katie, and I’m a lifestyle blogger at klementinekatie.com. I will be occasionally posting on this awesome blog to share with you some of the best life tips I have! With the school year approaching I will be talking about the best ways to get good grades. College is such a busy time in your life with so many changes to adjust to, so sometimes keeping up with your grades can be a challenge. I hope these tips give you some good ideas and help you succeed!

Set goals for yourself

This is the first thing I do at the beginning of every term. I set school and personal goals for myself that I want to achieve throughout the term. Once you know what you want to accomplish hang the list somewhere that you can see it everyday so that you are always reminded of what you need to focus your time and energy on.

Write due dates at beginning of term

Take time to read through your syllabus for each class, find important due dates, and write them all down. By having all big dates written in your planner at the beginning of the term you will be able to see when assignments and tests are coming up and you will be able to plan ahead for them.

Use a planner

Utilizing a planner is one of the most important things you can do in order to stay on top of your school work and personal life.

Write to do lists

To do lists help keep you on track and help make sure you are getting everything done that you need to. I make one everyday, and since I started doing this I notice I am way more productive throughout the day!

Make a friend in the class and get their number or email

This is very helpful if you don’t know anyone in the class you are in. Strike up conversation with the people around you and get their contact information because you never know when you may get sick or something else pops up and you’ll miss a day of notes. It’s so helpful to have someone to reach out to that can help catch you up.

Collect your professor’s email, office hours, and office location

This information can always be found on your professors syllabus, but I have found it to be super helpful to have a list of all your classes along with the professors name, email, office hours, and office location so that if you have a question or need to get help with something fast all the information you need is in one place.

Visit office hours

Creating a relationship with your professors is very important if you want to get good grades. Professors love to know who you are and see that you are putting effort in to the class. Creating a relationship with professors also opens the door for you to have someone that would write you a letter of recommendation!

Read the syllabus

In college, this is the number one most important thing you can do at the beginning of a term. Many teachers won’t even respond to an email if you ask them a question that can be found on the syllabus. All professors have slightly different grading, policies, and requests and you can usually find all the information you will need in order to be successful in the class. I like to save each syllabus on my computer desktop so they are easily accessible when I am doing homework online.

Get your homework done early

If I struggle with one tip the most, this is it. This is one of the hardest tips to follow but it is one of the most beneficial. Getting your homework done early will save you tons of stress, late nights, and missing out on fun events. When you get your homework done early you will have so much more time to do fun things without having to stress about assignments.

Read over notes after class

If you read over your notes after you take them it will help the material stick in your head since you are rehearsing it. If you can’t read over them right after class try to spend at least one hour a day re-reading your notes from your classes.

Write your notes instead of typing

This was a hard tip for me to convert to since I am a perfectionist and love how neat and organized my notes looked when they were typed, but it is psychologically proven that you will remember things better if you write them down. You use a different part of your brain when you are listening and writing versus when you are listening and typing, and typing doesn’t process as well into your long term memory.

Always do your readings

Read, read, read. Many professors love to throw questions on their tests that come from the assigned readings and without doing the readings you will have no idea what it is talking about. I’ve learned this one the hard way. It’s easiest if you stay caught up with your readings because once you fall behind it’s almost impossible to catch back up.


This one is obvious. You have to study the class material to be able to test well on it. Cramming does’t work because your brain physically can’t remember that much information at one time. It is best if you start studying for a test days before and do it little by little.

By following these tips you should be on your way to all A’s!
Please share in the comments any tips you have that help you get good grades!

Keep up with what I’m doing by following me on Instagram!


English or Communications major?

I need your help! I have to decide between majoring in English with a linguistics pathway or Communications and in all honesty I don’t know what I am doing or what I want to do in the future. Any comments, thoughts and experiences would be greatly appreciated and helpful to my journey.

If you can offer me any advice please do so in the comments below.